Ryan's Blog

Tuesday = my Friday


Happy Friday!! At least for me it is!
I’m off the rest of the week.. My brother Brad is getting married this weekend in Virginia!
Today was another busy one at 7News. It started with me doing a phone interview with the family of that 23 year old who was killed this weekend at a bar near Fenway park after a suspect threw a heavy glass during a fight and shards of that broken glass sliced his neck and he bled to death. I talked with his sister and dad.. Very tough interview to do.. They are still in shock. I put together that story for the 530pm news. After that it was off to Taunton to cover the 4 alarm fire at city hall. The mayor thinks it’s suspicious.. Very interesting on who he thinks might be responsible. We chose to not air that part of the story tonight because no one has been charged .. yet. Stay tuned!
Well I’m off … Have a great week and I’ll be back next week!


Just another crazy Monday!


Hello Everyone!

Thanks for the all the great feedback about my new site. It’s been great hearing from everyone!

Today was a very busy day here at 7News. It started out heading west on the mass pike to chase some bad storms that was hitting the Worcester area. Photog Dusty Wood and I hit the road looking for heavy rain and hail. We got out to the Grafton area where we parked the station SUV and shot the major downpour & lightning. Then the sun popped out and we were moved on to a different story.

We went to Waltham to do a door knock on some suspects.  A door knock is when we in the new business literally knock on someone’s front door to get their reaction to whatever the story is on camera. This can be a great experience or a horrible one. Just last week I had a suspect’s family turn on their sprinklers JUST as I was knocking on their front door. I left with some very wet pants! I have to say ..that was sure a new one.. very creative haha.

So after Dusty and I knocked on that door and found out that no one was home… we headed back to Boston. After arriving back in the city ..Ben Dobson.. our amazing nightside desk manager dispatched us to reports of a car into “something” in Brighton. Turned out there was nothing there. After that we were sent to East Boston where a young girl fell out of a 2nd story window. We shot the scene there & determined she was going to be ok.  After wrapping up there.. we swung by theBack Bay to check out if the light on the top of the old John Hancock Tower.. now the Berkeley Building was flashing an SOS distress signal. YEP! A viewer had emailed saying they saw this and we should check it out… so we did and found it a steady RED.

Here’s a little explainer on that light:

The tower began forecasting the weather, using predictions from a meteorological company on the 26th floor, in 1950. Its predictions inspired a poem:

Steady blue, clear view
Flashing blue, clouds due
Steady red, rain ahead
Flashing red, snow instead.
(Except in summer, when it means the Red Sox game is canceled.)

 A very busy… lots of time in the car Monday.. but always a good time :)

Hope all of you had a good Monday!


Hi There!

Thanks for checking out my blog!

I’ll be updating it often about what’s going on with work and all the fun stuff that happens to me out in the field as I cover the news for WHDH.

This week was very busy. It started with a trip to Brewster, MA to interview a man who was close to death after doctors discovered a pea plant growing in his lungs! NO! I am not making this up! haha That story got picked up by  stations all over the country and the WORLD! I was on the BBC! So that was fun.. to watch a story just blow up and go all over the place. Here’s a link that story if you want to check it out:


As the week went on I was sent up to Portland, Maine to try to interview a Millis, MA family who had been camping when a storm blew through and sent a tree crashing down on their tent! 6 family members were inside when this happened including 4 quadruplets. One of them..a 10 year old girl was trapped under the tree as workers and other campers rushed to free her. A branch had pierced vital organs and came within inches of her heart. She was rushed to Maine Medical Center and my photographer Trung Dang and myself drove all the way up there hoping to interview the parents about her condition. I was able to get the father’s cell phone # .. i called and left a message but never heard back. We later found out the girl’s condition was downgraded to critical so we can assume the family was not in the mood to talk about it as their daughter fought to live.

Thursday I was sent to Saugus where a man who was trying to pull into a parking spot says the gas pedal stuck and he went barreling through 3 backyards.. causing all sorts of damage. I had to rush up there because the station wanted this covered for the 5&6pm shows. I get into work around 2:30pm so I had to act quick to gather the elements to make it on the air. Trung was my photog.. that’s what we call our photographers… and we worked hard to go live at 5,6, 10&11. The damage was extensive.